Friday, October 17, 2014

Exercises 28.5,6, and 7

Exercise 28.5
1) correct
2) Which use organic farming techniques
3) correct
4) correct
5) Volunteers willing to work in the garden every week are essential as well.
6) correct
7) correct
8) or "veggie wagons"
9) although they may make two deliveries during peak harvest time
10) planted during the academic year

Exercise 28.6
1) American colonists first imported pasta from the English, who discovered it as tourists in Italy.
2) The English, returning from their grand tours of Italy, were called macaroni's because if their fancy airs.
3) a hairstyle, with elaborate curls, was also called macaroni.
4) The song "Yankee Doodle" refers to this hairdo, when Yankee Doodle "stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni.
5) The song, a creation of the English, was actually intended to poke fun at unrefined American colonists.

Exercise 28.7
1) Prices having risen rapidly, the government debated a price freeze.
2) A price freeze, unlike the rise in interest rates, seemed a sure solution.
3) The President would have to persuade business to accept a price freeze, his methods depending on their resistance.
4) No doubt the President, his advisors having urged it, would first try a patriotic appeal.
5) The President, not his advisers, insisted on negotiations with businesses.

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