Saturday, September 27, 2014

Topic sentence exercises

Topic sentences Exercise 1
paragraph 1- 3, 2, 5, 1, 4
paragraph 2- 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 4
paragraph 3- 5, 2, 3, 1, 4

Exercise 2
1) Without knowing it, Americans tend to speak foreign languages as well as have foreign items in their homes.

2) There is a huge difference between European college life and American college life.

3) Depending on the environment of where people live, humans build homes based off of the things they have in their surroundings.

Exercise 3

Smoking cigarettes
1) No positive thing can come from smoking cigarettes; it only harms your body.
2) If you hate your life, but don't want to kill yourself just yet, smoking cigarettes can help you die much faster than most people, but it doesn't end your life immediately.

Foreign travel
1) Foreign travel is great if you want to learn about different cultures up close.
2) Foreign travel is the most dangerous way of traveling.

Space exploration 
1) Space exploration is the reason we know everything about our solar system.
2) Space exploration is only for the strongest and the bravest.

Rock music or Rock musicians
1) Rock music has a negative impact on children due to the lyrics and style of the songs.
2) Rock music is great for working out; it releases energy and gives a sense of motivation.

Studying a foreign language
1) Studying a foreign language is a great start to becoming a spy.
2) Studying a foreign language is the first step to beginning a career or translating.


  1. Tierra --

    You are on track here. In general, though, your topic sentences are too broad. For example, the topic sentence on the second paragraph of the second exercise partially identifies the topic, but what is the difference between the two systems? The differences discussed all have a similarity that should be indicated by the topic sentence. The sentences written for the final section are also too broad; they would make better thesis statements than topic sentences. The same principles apply to both, though, so you have the right idea.



  2. Am asking about exercise three..are these numbered sentences below the topic sentences for the topics e.g smoking cigarrates

  3. topice sentence about reason of traveling
